Social media and my smartphone history go hand in hand. Prior to obtaining my first iphone,in January 2010 ,my knowledge of social media was rudimentary. I occasionally used Facebook to stay in touch with relatives and I had a basic profile on LinkedIn . The iphone changed that. I had heard of this phenomenon called twitter and was determined to give it a try. Like most novice twitterers I started by following a few stars such as Stephen Fry and Jonathan Ross. Yet the sleeping,eating and listening habits of the rich and famous soon grated. I then wondered if I could use twitter to increase my knowledge of the Law and the Legal profession. As a result I now read more about the law,and the legal professions, than at any time during my career. Every ressource is present on twitter. All the legal journals are present and correct including the Gazette,Solicitors Journal and The Lawyer. There are expert legal bloggers. (I like them all and do not wish to set any up on a pedestal.If you want to know who I follow then you can easily check my twitter,Linked in and Google+ accounts). All the newspapers have twitter accounts. Most QC’s and individual solicitors also have accounts. By following a combination of the above one can keep track of,comment, interact,read and learn about what is going on in the law. An aggregator site makes it easy and wonderous to access all the twitter,linked in,Facebook ,Google plus and media accounts that I am following. I use Flipbook which presents me with a constantly updated magazine of my own making. When I read my Flipbook ,and several newspaper apps,I retweet articles I enjoy,on social media. I also publicise law blogs such as this one. . I promote my law business by retweeting articles I believe may be of interest to the general public and also by means of promoting this blog. I do not spend all day in front of social media. A programme called Hootsuite allows me to schedule tweets on different social media platforms at different times of the day. Social media has ,in my case,made it than ever,to keep abreast of fast moving developments in the Legal World. I believe that it is essential,rather than advisable,for solicitors to have a presence on Social Media. If you have yet to take the plunge then you are in for a treat!
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